Doug Booher, CVE
Adam Cook, CVE – CHAIR
Adina Erwin, CVE
Eric Hart, CVE
Tammy Koolbeck, CVE
Mark Mettes, CVE
Parliamentarian Committee
Purpose: to advise the Executive Committee, Board Chair, and CEO on the Good Governance process to ensure the Board maintains the principles of Good Governance within the evolving needs of the Board and CEO.
Standing Charge:
- Meet, at a minimum, quarterly, to review Board operations and meeting minutes within the context of Good Governance. Provide recommendations to Chair on areas of potential improvement in the governance process related to the Governing Policies and Board/CEO Delegation Policies.
- Serve as a resource for the Board Chair and CEO to provide clarification and guidance on any questions related to IAVM Governance structure and Good Governance model.
- Annually review BOD Governance training and make recommendations for improvement. Lead one training per year at VenueConnect.
- Chair: IAVM Board of Directors Chair
- Member at large – Past Chair IAVM within previous 10 years
- Member at large – Past Chair IAVM within previous 10 years
- Member at large – Past Chair IAVM within previous 10 years
- Member at large – Past Chair IAVM within previous 10 years
The Chair of the Board shall select the at-large representatives from the list of available Past Chairs. Preference shall be given to ensuring diverse representation, incluing in venue-type and time of service (i.e. service year as Chair spread throughout the previous 10 years).
Reporting: quarterly at regularly scheduled Executive Committee meetings and yearly at VenueConnect
Term: one year, with renewal and appointment at VenueConnect. Additional focus will be on ensuring consistency of members across multiple years with minimal turnover, ideally no more than 1 position per year change. No member shall serve more than five consecutive terms.
Authority over resources: reasonable staff and logistical support