Q: Why Certification?
- The IAVM certification programs develop a standard of professionalism for public assembly venue managers and assures recognition for those who attain the specific standards.
- Certification creates a learning process that assists the individual in understanding the diversity and depth of information available within the venue management industry.
- Certification helps the individual who undertakes the process to categorize and evaluate their professional experience.
- Certification validates the successful recipient as an extremely knowledgeable and experienced public assembly professional.
- The CVE designation says three important things about a venue professional: they are a skilled manager, are committed to the industry, and are pledged to continued professional growth and development.
Q: Tell me more about the IAVM Certification Process, why are there two credentialing programs and what are the major differences?
A: IAVM currently offers two certification programs, CVE (Certified Venue Executive) and CVP (Certified Venue Professional). While there are differences in the required steps for both certification programs, they both recognize excellence in the professional development and competence of managers of public assembly venues. The Certified Venue Executive was begun in 1976, is the elite credential of the IAVM and is highly regarded by industry professionals. An individual with a CVE designation possesses significant years of experience in the industry in addition to holding a top-tiered position within a venue or organization. CVE candidates go through a rigorous assessment process, inclusive of a written multiple choice examination, a written exam consisting of essay questions, and an oral exam. Candidates must pass each step before advancing in the process. The Certified Venue Professional (CVP) program was launched in 2015 and is geared toward middle to senior level managers. The CVP credential signifies that an individual is a capable professional, dedicated to the industry, and is committed to continued growth and development. CVP candidates complete an application and a written examination, but no oral exam is required. Achieving a CVP could be used as a preliminary step to pursuing and achieving the CVE.
Q: Do I have to be an IAVM member to apply for the CVE credential?
A: While membership is not required to apply, we do encourage anyone considering obtaining the certification to also consider becoming an IAVM member. If individual membership is an issue, note there is a very affordable and beneficial group membership category available to your organization.
Q: Where can I find detailed information about the CVE and CVP certifications?
A: You can find certification details here. Please remember that it’s important to pay attention to all of the documents under each link for each credential, including the blue highlighted links within the main body of introductory text. They contain very important information and requirements that you need to be aware of to apply.
Q: Is there a difference in the application document between the two credentials?
A: Yes. The CVE application requires a minimum of 270 points spread across several categories including Higher Education, Venue Management/Industry Experience, Professional Certifications, Continuing Education, Teaching/Program Leadership, Publications, and Professional and Community Activities.
The CVP application requires a minimum of 100 points spread across several categories including Higher Education/Management Experience/Venue Experience and Continuing Education.
For both credentials, pay particular attention to the number of minimum and maximum points required per category.
Q: What deadlines do I need to be aware of for the four-step CVE credentialing process?
- Applications and all accompanying material are received all year – there is no deadline for application.
- Written multiple choice exams may be taken year-round.
- Written essays must be received by March 1.
- Oral exams are typically conducted at VenueConnect– the Annual Conference & Trade Show and may be conducted, subject to Board availability, virtually (via Zoom).
- Special Note: Candidates are allowed five years from application submission date to complete the CVE process. If the candidate is unable to complete within five years, the candidate must submit a new application, fees and meet all eligibility requirements in effect at the time of application.
Q: What fees are associated with the CVE credential program?
- The Application fee is US-$200 ($275 non-member of IAVM).
- The Written Multiple Choice Exam fee is US-$450 ($600 for non-members).
- No fees are associated with the Written Short Essay Exam or the Oral Exam.
Q: Do I have to attend an IAVM conference to take the multiple-choice exam?
A: You have a few options for taking your multiple-choice exam. The exam is online and exactly the same no matter how/where you take it. The exam must be scheduled at least 30 days prior to your selected testing date.
- You may use someone from your venue’s HR department as exam proctor.
- You may use a local CVE as exam proctor.
- You may request to take the exam at the IAVM VenueConnect
- You may use a local testing facility (these facilities will usually charge a fee)
Please contact certification@iavm.org to discuss options for testing.
Q: Is renewal required for the CVE credential?
A: Yes, the CVE credential must be renewed every 3 years. IAVM HQ will provide a renewal application several months prior to the renewal date. Renewal requirements can be found on the IAVM website and include points awarded for categories of continuing education, teaching/program leadership, written works, and professional/community activities over the past three years.
Q: Where do I start and where can I turn for advice or encouragement?
A: Begin by researching the IAVM website at: https://iavm.org/certifications. Do not be discouraged if you initially think you might not have enough points to qualify for application. You most likely have more than you think you have at first glance. Reach out to colleagues who hold this prestigious credential, they will be anxious to provide encouragement on what the credential means to them, both professionally and personally. For specific application questions, please contact IAVM headquarters staff by email (certification@iavm.org) for further details.
Q: Is there anything I could be doing now even though I’m not quite ready to apply yet?
A:Absolutely yes! Start tracking your points now. It’s much easier to document as you go rather than having to think back and track down details and dates of various events that you’ve attended or participated in. Also, it’s never too late to begin working on categories you might need help in.