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Family Assistance Centers: Serving a Greater Purpose – Audio Only

By September 12, 2018October 31st, 2022No Comments

Under normal circumstances, most of us regard our venues as a place where the community comes together to make memories with friends and family. However, in the immediate aftermath of a mass tragedy, these same venues can play a vital role in the response and recovery by becoming a Family Assistance Center (FAC). Our experienced panel will share lessons learned from coordinating the FACs following the Pulse nightclub tragedy in Orlando and the Route 91 Harvest shooting in Las Vegas.

Speakers: Craig Borkon, Assistant Director, Orlando Venues, City of Orlando; Kathy DeVault, Director of Strategic Partnerships, City of Orlando; Sam Dores, CVP, Director, Client Services, Taco Bell Arena at Boise State University; Tara Hughes, Family Assistance Center Lead — Pulse Nightclub & Rt 91 Harvest Festival, American Red Cross;

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