Awards & Recognition Committee

Philip Costa, CVP – CO-CHAIR
Kayln Denniston, CVP
Michael Junod, CVE
Cody Lund
Naz Sabripour, CVP – CO-CHAIR

Purpose: to assist the Executive Committee in fulfilling its awards and recognition responsibilities and commitments, on behalf of the Board of Directors.

Standing Charge:

  1. Annually review applications for Venue Excellence Awards, Education Awards, Volunteer Service Award, and any other award designated under the purview of the Board. Make recommendations to the Executive Committee for award consideration.
  2. Annually coordinate with Chair for establishment of a Charles A. McElravy Award Review Committee (MARC), if needed.  Support the MARC in their efforts and ensure they follow the designated timeline for proper award. Review MARC’s recommendation for the Charles A. McElravy Award recipient and submit recommendation to the Executive Committee for award consideration.
  3. Annually review award qualifications, application process and selection criteria and process to ensure they are transparent to all members, timelines are reasonable for what is being asked, and review and awarding process is unbiased for all designated awards with an emphasis on ensuring diversity and inclusion for all members.


  1. Co-Chair: Executive Committee At-Large Member 1
  2. Co-Chair: Executive Committee At-Large Member 2
  3. Member – Allied Committee
  4. Member – Young Professionals Committee
  5. Member – Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Committee
  6. Member at large
  7. Member at large

The Chair of the Board shall select the representatives from the Allied, Young Professional, and Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Committees from within their membership as appointed by the CEO.  The Chair of the Board shall select the at-large representatives from the list of those that have expressed interest in serving on the Awards & Recognition Committee during the Association’s general call for volunteers.

The Chair of the Board shall have the authority to increase or decrease the committee by two voting positions composed of members in good standing and to appoint up to two current Board Members to serve in an ex-officio and non-voting capacity.

Reporting: at regularly scheduled monthly Executive Committee meetings and yearly at VenueConnect

Term: one year, with renewal and appointment at VenueConnect. No member shall serve more than three consecutive terms.

Authority over resources:  reasonable staff and logistical support